If we view the Earth as a living breathing sentient being, could it be that the Earth has an energetic system that connects the entire planet? What if the history of our planet is stored within this field, and within the stone and water, like a vast living library? And that like Earth, we too are connected to this store house of information through our very bones, water and DNA?
What if this information has a sound? And suddenly we could hear this voice of Earth as it moves through space? Could these melodies and signature frequencies enlighten our understanding of our symbiotic connection with our planet & expand our consciousness into a direct experience of the Unified Field?
The Planetary Grid Project is an artistic exploration of sound mapping with the voice, field recording in nature and connecting with the Earth’s energetic system. The project aims to inspire re-connection with the Earth, the greater Cosmos and the Divine Intelligent Field.
Through a state of deep listening and reverence Deya Dova sings in direct response to the land. She travels with her husband, Hamilton Barnett, who documents the expedition. They are often joined by their 3 children.
Now this incredible body of music – The Planetary Grid Music Collection – is being released as an exclusive series of albums traveling the listener from location to location. Bringing the energy, frequency and vibration of these stunning ancient places to the people.
Music to still the mind and awaken the Human Spirit in service of beauty, healing, renewal and conscious evolution.