Planetary Grid Music Collection
From a 7 year journey recording at over 44 locations on the Earth’s energylines across the planet, comes an exclusive 12 album series connecting you with the resonance & beauty of living breathing Earth

Connect With The Resonance Of Earth
To soothe your soul, still your mind and connect you with the healing resonance of sentient Earth.
From the Forests, Deserts, Mountains, Rocks and Waters.
Recorded live on location in Nature deep listening with the Earth.
(Exclusively available via the Deya Dova Websites – not available on Spotify or Apple Music)

Sample Song From Each Album
Here Is What’s Included:

12 Album Music Collection
Receive the entire 12 album Planetary Grid Music Collection consisting of over 60 songs. Available as downloads & streaming, including exclusive playlists for all devices.

Exclusive Videos & Photos
Exclusive video and photo series accompany each album connecting you with the visual beauty of these ancient places.

Video Call Recordings & Energy Line Connection Meditations
Exclusive video calls were recorded for each album. Deya leads connection meditations so you can energetically connect with each recording location. Plus in depth Q and A, clarity and confirmation on your own intuitions & experiences. Calls are recorded to experience in your own time.

Deya Dova Discography
PLUS! also included is the complete Deya Dova digital discography. All nine releases that have taken Deya Dova touring internationally and sold thousands of copies worldwide. High quality downloads of every album including lyrics, album artwork and music videos.

Additional Information
With each album comes a wealth of additional information on the Earth’s energetic field, including Deya’s personal research and wisdom sharing links to help expand your planetary awareness and conscious connection.

Bird Tribe Community Circle
Access our own private online community forum circle so you can connect and interact with like minds from around the globe. The secure online circle is more intimate and private than social media groups.

Support Earth Causes
A percentage of all funds from the journey is donated to support projects working to protect our sacred Earth and waters. When you sign up you automatically join us to collectively help make a difference.
Listener Reviews
“This is the ultimate music collection – soothing and relaxing and yet totally inspiring & activating.”
“An exquisite musical journey that brings me back to connection every time i listen.”
“Your music is my go to meditation music.”
“We love playing it during our morning practice… sooo incredible for deep soul nourishment.”
“Your music awakens a mystical ancient part of my soul. I close my eyes and my soul soars into the cosmos…”
“I love how the Earth sings through you …thank you for giving Her your voice and sharing it with the world.”
“When you sing my cells remember & I come home within Thank you!”
“Always grounds me out and brings to such a wonderful space! Thank you many times over!!
“You truly are the voice of Gaia”
SHUNI GIRON (Mayan Ajq’iij)
“So powerful! What you just played to me will help them remember. You have my blessings Deya.”
NANA VIOLET – Pitjantjatjara Elder & Senior Law Women Of The Songlines
“What you shared on the live call was so inspiring. I love your perspectives on creativity and our connection to Earth and the stars. It is so confirming and strengthening for me and what I am experiencing.”
Instant Access To A World Of Music
When you purchase the music collection you receive exclusive INSTANT ACCESS to all the
music downloads, playlists and bonus material in the private Bird Tribe online portal.
5 Reasons You Will Love The Collection

1. An Amazing Wellspring Of Music All In One Easy Place
An incredible companion for your creativity, meditation, yoga, relaxation, journeying, healing, inspiration and ceremony. For uplifting mornings, for your daily practice, for creative days and relaxing nights.
Have this wellspring of sound with you to inspire, sooth and keep you activated. All in one easy place as high quality downloads and exclusive playlist for all your devices.

2. Access Video Call Recordings And Bonus Material
Connect with Deya as she personally shares on video calls. Experience energy line connection meditations to develop your symbiotic connection to Earth and your intuitive senses. Develop your understanding of the Earth’s energetic field and innate ability to enter zero point awareness.
Empower yourself as a creative being, a sacred activist, and a healing point on the planet. Calls are recorded and the connection meditations are available as downloadable mp3’s.

3. You Help Support A Growing Number Of Land Conservation Projects
When you join the journey you automatically are part of giving back to help protect these amazing natural places. The project donates 10% of all funds to environmental conservation projects from each recording location.
So far the project is donating to the William light Foundation, The Ocean Clean up, Indigenous Climate Action, Bye Bye Plastic Bags, The Nature Conservancy, Earth Justice and more. Together we collectively help make a difference to protect our sacred Earth and waters.

4. The Journey Is A Celebration Of Peace, Harmony & Beauty Of Our Earth
The intention of this journey is re-connection and belonging with our planet – a returning home. In this potent time of change and shift in our human evolution, modern life can be challenging.
By bringing our focus and attention to celebrate the peace, harmony and beauty that abundantly exists within the field, we become a counterbalance to the challenges that are happening on the planet at this time.

5. You Become Part Of A Unique Independent Music Project
A recording journey like this has never been done before. The journey is unique and so is the way the music is being released. You are supporting a project that is 100% produced by proudly independent artists. Deya and her husband Hamilton are a co creative team and family with three children and 2 grandchildren. They create to assist conscious awakening and evolution on the planet.
Through purchasing the music you become part of making this unique project sustainable.
Here’s everything you get when you join the Planetary Grid Music Journey today:
- Planetary Grid Music Collection the complete 12 album journey. Exclusive downloads as well as a private streaming playlists.
- Access to video call recordings sharing the deeper experience of each album & energyline location.
- Guided energy line connection meditation mp3’s from each album location.
- Exclusive photos and videos of the locations and recording process plus Deya’s personal song transmissions.
- Planetary awareness & consciousness material. The latest info & research on the workings of the Earth’s energetic system.
- The entire Deya Dova digital discography. 9 albums that have taken Deya Dova on 5 international tours and sold tens of thousands of copies worldwide.
- Connect with a global community of like minds inside a private community circle forum.
- Technical support so you know you can ask if you need help. If you are technically challenged, we got you!
- An unconditional 30 day money – back guarantee.
- And you join us to make a difference through a % of all funds being donated to projects that help protect the land and waters.
- You become a valued VIP member of the Deya Dova Bird Tribe! Receive lifetime access to all the music downloads and content in the private online members portal.
Listener Reviews
“These albums are little holographic libraries that offer keys to open innate knowledge. One can soar to wherever the right medicine is located for insight and answers. Amazing! And the map expands monthly! ” MANU
“I am really happy about all the resource material about The Planetary Grid and Indigenous knowledge! That stuff is so hard to find with Google.” CLAIRE
“So cool how the energy of each song is so different just like the landscapes she sings for.” JESSE
“I want to express my gratitude to you! I love your songs, yours musics, your work. It is like coming home to me. Thank you again to show us that the Divine is always there in all forms.” CéLESTINE

How The Journey Works
- What’s Next After Sign Up – After signing up you will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to access all music and content in the private & secure online area. You can access this area at anytime. All music is delivered in high quality downloads to use across all your devices.
- Video Calls – Access the video calls recorded as Deya shares on the deeper experience of each album. 12 calls in total. On the call Deya: leads an energy line connection meditation, shares about each location and the recording experience. Allowing plenty of time for question and answers, discussion topics and experience sharing. Each call is recorded and available for viewing in your own time.
- Bonus Material – a wealth of extra bonus material accompanies each music release. Including Deya’s personal song transmissions and writing about the recording experience of each song. Additional information on the Earth’s energetic field to expand your awareness and consciousness. Deya shares all her own personal research with you as well as downloadable energy line connection meditation mp3’s and grid line maps that give the visual representation of how the Earth’s energy lines are connected. Plus exclusive photos, video and vlogs from each song that put you right next to Deya as she is recording. All this additional material is a perfect accompaniment to the music and live calls and is like a living breathing journal that unfolds with each album release.

Unconditional 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Love it or your money back. We offer a risk free unconditional 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you don’t love the music collection we will refund your money no questions asked.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the music for download or on CD?
All the music is available as digital downloads in either high quality mp3 or full resolution WAV files. You may use these files across all your devices and burn to CD if you wish.
There is also an exclusive private playlist of the Planetary Grid Music for streaming on mobile.
What exactly is in the bonus material with each release?
With every single Planetary Grid album we give you a wealth of downloadable bonus additional information.
You receive:
- Deya’s personal song transmissions and lucid writing about the recording experience of each song. These give you the inner perspective of each piece of music
- Additional information on the Earth’s energetic field to expand your awareness and consciousness. Deya shares all her own personal research with you. The latest information that is rocking her world.
- Environmental awareness and positive action to help protect the Earth. Deya loves sharing the inspiring projects and actions we can take to protect the Earth.
- Downloadable energy line connection meditation mp3’s.
- Grid line maps that give the visual representation of how the Earth’s energy lines are connected.
- As well as exclusive photos, video and vlogs from each song. That put you right next to Deya as she is recording.
All this additional material is a perfect accompaniment to the music and live calls and is like a living breathing diary or book that unfolds with each album release. A collection of inspiration, knowledge, wisdom sharing and positive environmental action.
Are the video calls recorded to watch in my own time?
The video calls are recorded and made available in the online content area for you to tune into whenever suits you. Including downloadable audio only mp3 versions of the call.
The video calls were held for each music release. 12 calls in total.
On the call Deya –
- Leads collective grid line connection meditations.
- Shares about the energy of each location, the recording experience and the Planetary Grid exploration.
- Answers questions, responds to discussion topics and invites experience sharing.
What is the Community Circle?
Inside our online members portal we have a private Community Circle forum. To interact, share experiences and information within the global community.
This area is totally private and more intimate, private and secure than social media groups.
I am not super tech savy. Do you offer technical support?
There is an online support area as well as email support. We got you!
Are the albums available anywhere else?
The Planetary Grid music is released exclusively through the Deya Dova web sites. Only the title track from each album is released to Spotify, iTunes and Apple Music. The deeper information and inside story of these songs is shared in depth within the Bird Tribe online portal. The reason for this is to protect and honour the energetic integrity of the music, information and experience.
What albums are in the Deya Dova complete digital discography?
The discography is the complete collection of nine Deya Dova albums from over the last 15 years.
Spanning several genres from singer songwriter, ambient vocal chant, world, dance, electronica and global bass. This is conscious music that has sold tens of thousands of copies and taken Deya Dova touring to festivals internationally.
Myth Of The Cave
Myth Of The Cave Remixes
Symbiotic Remixes
The Jasmani Garden
Shadow On The Sun (bonus single)
Deya Dova Remixed
So Bravely Human
How do I add the music to my playlists?
Download the files to your computer and add them to your favourite music player such as iTunes and create a playlist. Then sync that playlist to whichever devices you listen to music on.
There is also an exclusive private playlist for streaming on mobile and detailed walk through of how to download directly to mobile or tablet.
Does the music from each album sound different?
Each album has it’s own unique quality. Deya’s process is to listen and deeply connect with each place and spontaneously sing in response to the energy, frequency and vibration of each location. We recommend to create a quiet space for the first few listens to be able to drop into the subtle energies of the music listening experience.