Awareness & Action

We all are powerful as sacred activists. Offering our prayer, gratitude and reverence. And for us it is also very important to act and support causes that are working to protect the land and water and the sacredness of all life.

A % of funds from the Planetary Grid Project goes to supporting causes.

When you sign up for the Planetary Grid Music Journey you are automatically supporting these causes. Below are the projects we are supporting so far and projects we would like to bring awareness to. Please stay tuned for more.

William Light Foundation

The William Light Foundation is a Not-for-profit Organisation which grew out of the need for the Flinders Ranges communities to create opportunity and preserve environment and heritage. They work to preserve the culture, heritage and environment of the Flinders Ranges and South Australia, and to create sustainable and equitable economic opportunities. The William Light Foundation is proud to act as an advocate for the communities and environment of the Flinders Ranges.

Currently the William Light Foundation is leading a legal campaign to avert Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) - the catastrophic industry that caused QLD’s worst pollution event in history - from establishing in the Northern Flinders Ranges.

Earth Justice

Earthjustice is the premier nonprofit public interest environmental law organization.

We wield the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people’s health; to preserve magnificent places and wildlife; to advance clean energy; and to combat climate change.

We are here because the earth needs a good lawyer.

With more than a hundred attorneys in offices across the country, Earthjustice pursues three key goals to secure a just, flourishing world:

The Wild - Our nation’s laws protect the magnificent natural spaces and wildlife we have inherited from previous generations. Earthjustice enforces those laws to protect what we know to be irreplaceable wildlife and wild places, for this and future generations.

Healthy Communities - We fight for a future where children can breathe clean air, no matter where they live; where products in our homes are free of toxic chemicals; and where all communities are safer, healthier places to live and work.

Clean Energy & A Healthy Climate - Earthjustice’s legal victories strengthen the rise of clean energy, laying the groundwork for the systemic change we must see. At stake is nothing less than our children’s — and our planet’s — future.

Earthjustice’s decades of success are thanks to strong partnerships with hundreds of organizations — and hundreds of thousands of passionate supporters.

Because we believe as you do. These are fights we cannot lose.

Bye Bye Plastic Bags

A movement powered by youth around the world to say NO to plastic bags.

We envision a world free of plastic bags and where the young generation are empowered to take action. Our mission is to empower people to do what is right through education, campaigns, and political meetings. Start making that difference one bag at a time.

We cannot solve a problem that people are not aware of. BBPB raises awareness and educates about the harmful impact of plastic on our environment, animals and health while also sharing how to be part of the solution. Having spoken to over 20,000 youth and created 2 educational booklets aimed for elementary schools in Indonesia, education has a huge place in the heart of BBPB.

Allowing people to see different ways of being a part of the solution. We showcase a lot of these solutions through our hands on projects such as our Pilot Village program, River BOOM toolkits, Mountain Mama’s Social Enterprise as well as our campaign One Island One Voice.

BBPB has become an national and international movement, inspiring the masses to act now. BBPB Teams have launched in over 25 locations across the globe and the Founders continue to share their message on stages around the world in front of global leaders.

Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance

Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) is a non profit organisation made up concerned citizens from Utah and throughout the U.S (and world) who share the common goal of preserving Utah’s remaining desert wild lands, known collectively as America’s redrock wilderness.

Since 1983, SUWA has been the only independent organization working full-time to defend America’s redrock wilderness from oil and gas development, unnecessary road construction, rampant off-road vehicle use, and other threats to Utah’s wilderness-quality lands.

Indigenous Environmental Network

Indigenous Environmental Network is an alliance of Indigenous peoples whose mission it is to protect the sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination and exploitation by strengthening, maintaining and respecting Indigenous teachings and natural laws.

Established in 1990 within the United States, IEN was formed by grassroots Indigenous peoples and individuals to address environmental and economic justice issues (EJ). IEN’s activities include building the capacity of Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, health of both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities.

Deya Dova Planetary Grid Music Donations

Conservation Internartional Pacific Oceanscape

Some 23 Pacific island nations and territories have come together to create the Pacific Oceanscape, a framework to conserve and sustainably manage this vast, shared region of islands and ocean for generations to come. This commitment represents a sea change in ocean conservation.

In Loyalty Island Province, Conservation International works with provincial and customary authorities, resource owners and users to identify effective management strategies for Ouvea as a World Heritage Site using a community-based approach. They are also part of the management committee of the Entrecasteaux Atoll World Heritage Site cluster, a 2,000-square-kilometer no-take zone and fully protected marine reserve.

New Caledonia: Home of the World’s Second-Largest Marine Park. A French territory located 1,200 kilometers (746 miles) east of Australia, New Caledonia is internationally renowned for its natural beauty, rich biodiversity and remarkable coral reefs. It has one of the world’s largest lagoons at 24,000 square kilometers (over 9,000 square miles), circled by the second longest coral reef at 1,600 kilometers (618 miles). For local people, the lagoon provides their daily fish and coastal protection, and is vital to their unique traditions, many of which date back thousands of years.

Indigenous Climate Action

Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) is Canada’s premier Indigenous-led climate justice organization.

The only Indigenous-led climate justice organization in Canada that prioritizes Indigenous peoples and communities as leaders in climate solutions. ICA is committed to ensuring Indigenous knowledge and wisdom lead the way in finding solutions by providing communities with up to date, relevant information on climate change and Indigenous rights. ICA aims to create safe spaces for Indigenous communities who are building Indigenous climate strategies.

Indigenous Climate Action’s (ICA) goal is to empower our communities and inspire Indigenous peoples to take climate action. Our work focuses on four main areas: gatherings, amplifying indigenous voices, producing resources for indigenous people by indigenous people and supporting indigenous sovereignty.

The Ocean Clean Up

The Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization, developing advanced technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic.

By utilizing the ocean currents to our advantage, our passive drifting systems are estimated to clean up half the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 5 years’ time.

The Ocean Cleanup is designing and developing the first feasible method to rid the world’s oceans of plastic. Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the ocean. A significant percentage of this plastic drifts into large systems of circulating ocean currents, also known as gyres. Once trapped in a gyre, the plastic will break down into microplastics and become increasingly easier to mistake for food by sea life.

Going after it with vessels and nets would be costly, time-consuming, labor-intensive and lead to vast amounts of carbon emission and by-catch. That is why The Ocean Cleanup is developing a passive system, moving with the currents – just like the plastic – to catch it. The system consists of a 600-meter-long floater that sits at the surface of the water and a tapered 3-meter-deep skirt attached below. The floater provides buoyancy to the system and prevents plastic from flowing over it, while the skirt stops debris from escaping underneath. As the system moves through the water, the plastic continues to collect within the boundaries of the U-shaped system.

By deploying a fleet of systems, The Ocean Cleanup has estimated to be able to remove 50% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in just 5 years’ time. The concentrated plastic will be brought back to shore for recycling and sold to B2C companies. The revenue gained will help fund the cleanup expansion to the other four ocean gyres.

Deya Dova Planetary Grid Music Donations

The Nature Conservancy

The Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve spans 4,400 acres of wetlands and uplands habitat along the eastern edge of the Great Salt Lake—one of Utah’s most unique natural treasures. As the largest saline lake in the Western Hemisphere, the Great Salt Lake is crucial to both people and nature. The lake is a rich feeding ground for migratory shorebirds and waterfowl, supporting between four and six million migratory birds as they journey from as far north as the Arctic to southern points in Central and South America.

The Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve (formerly called the Layton Wetlands Preserve) was The Nature Conservancy's first preserve in Utah. The wetlands of the Great Salt Lake provide important nesting and foraging habitat for over 250 species of birds. The lake is a critical link in the Pacific Flyway between North and South America.

In fact, so many birds (between four and six million!) visit, feed and nest at the lake and its wetlands annually, it has been named as one of only seventeen sites of Hemispheric Importance in the Western Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve Network, an internationally important designation.

The Nature Conservancy has worked for more than 20 years to protect the Great Salt Lake and its wetlands. Conservation strategies implemented by TNC range from land acquisition and community outreach and planning to partnerships with government agencies, public committees, and private conservation groups. TNC’s Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve protects over almost 11 miles of critical wetland and upland habitat along the Lake’s eastern shore.

In a new effort to ensure the long-term health of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem, TNC is now working with various partners to support the effort to create numeric water quality standards for the Lake.

Pro Natura

Pro Natura is a Mexican nonprofit civil organization. Conserving the flora, fauna and prioritizing ecosystems whilst promoting the development of society in harmony with Nature.

Their programs develop environmentally sustainable income for indigenous people and sustainable land management. As well as protecting the wildlife and ecosystems of the Yucatan.

Pro Natura also works with alternative tourism to make the tourism sector as a whole more sustainable, increasing economic and social benefits for local communities, actively contributing to the conservation of resources and increasing the awareness of travelers regarding the conservation of natural and cultural heritage.

Deya Dova Planetary Grid Music Donations

Earth Child Project

EarthChild Project is a Non-Profit Organisation operating in disadvantaged schools in Cape Town, South Africa. Working with children and teachers our educational programmes focus on the environment, health and life-skills. We teach practical skills such as yoga, mindfulness & organic gardening to over 3500 children and 300 teachers.

EarthChild Project aims to inspire a new generation of healthy, confident and conscious young leaders.

We met one the people working in this project, Xoli Fuyani, and she danced with us in our performance at Spiritfest Africa We were very moved by her energy and what she is creating with this project.

Deya Dova Planetary Grid Music Donations

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Working to nurture the recovery of bird species through creating landscape reserves via the acquisition of lands and crucial habitats as well as research, partnerships and policy work.

RSPB’s aim at Brodgar is to give a helping hand to some of the wildlife which is being squeezed out of modern landscapes. Since acquiring the reserve in 2001, we have been managing the land to benefit a range of species, including lapwings, curlews, redshanks, snipe, skylarks and great yellow bumblebees. Our grassland areas are lightly grazed by cattle or mown in late summer to create the ideal conditions where waders can nest and raise their chicks and a range of wildfowl nest on the wetter areas.

The reserve covers 34 hectares of grassland, meadows and loch shore, and was acquired in 2001. The site borders the heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site, and surrounds the internationally renowned Ring of Brodgar standing stones.

Hoy is the largest RSPB Scotland nature reserve in Orkney, at 3,926 hectares, and is home to an impressive range of wildlife. Most of the reserve is glorious wild moorland with pockets of native woodland, sub-alpine heath and blanket bog. There are also impressive, colourful sea cliffs rising to more than 350 meters above the sea, which offer a dramatic backdrop against which to spot swirling seabirds and hardy wildflowers.